Q- What about recycling?
Q- Does the Township have a weed ordinance?
Q- Does the Township have a dog barking ordinance?
Q- Does the Township have a burning ordinance?
Q- May I pay my real estate taxes at the Township Municipal Office?
Q- Does the Township have a building code?
Q- Does the Township have a weed ordinance?
Q- Does the Township have a dog barking ordinance?
Q- Does the Township have a burning ordinance?
Q- May I pay my real estate taxes at the Township Municipal Office?
Q- Does the Township have a building code?
A- The Township does not offer a drop-off service at the municipal building. Licensed trash haulers are required to collect recycling materials at your curbside. Your first recycling bin is provided by your trash hauler free of charge. Any additional recycling bins may be purchased through your trash hauler or at the Township Municipal Office.
For more information visit our recycling/trashhaulers page.
A- At this time, the Township does not have a weed ordinance in effect.
A- At this time, the Township does not have a dog barking ordinance.
A- Yes, the Township does have a burning ordinance. A few highlighted items from the ordinance are as follows:
• Only leaves, branches and other non-putrescible vegetable matter are to be burned.
• No hazardous or objectionable condition will be created by such burning.
• All burning shall be done in a flame-proof container or in an area where the risk of the spreading of the fire shall be eliminated.
• No such burning shall occur on any street or sidewalk within the Township.
• All such burning shall take place between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
• The above items do not constitute the entire burn ordinance and are only listed for information purposes. Any questions you have regarding burning should be directed to the Township Municipal Office.
A- No. All real estate taxes are collected by the Township Tax Collector, all tax questions should be directed there.
A- Yes, the Township adopted the building code on July 8, 2004. Questions regarding the building code should be directed to the Township Zoning Officer.
A- In all cases, we try to avoid damaging anyone’s property. However, mailboxes are often placed in the Township’s legal right-of-way, which means that the Township is not liable for damages to mailboxes caused by snow removal operations. We suggest property owners ensure their mailbox rests on a firm support so it will be better able to withstand the “windrow” of snow from the plow.